With prices of everything on the rise, I have the best way how to save money when ordering deli meat. My solution is simple. Here’s how!
Usually when we order deli meat, we order by the weight.
1 pound of honey ham, please.
A half pound of roast beef, please.
Well, what about ordering those meats that are really expensive, like prosciutto? The price range for prosciutto starts around $19 a pound, and can run higher than $35 a pound, depending on the brand. And it’s always a guessing game of what weight you should order; especially of a meat that is sliced so thinly.
You would be surprised just how many slices prosciutto you get with one pound. More than likely, it’s way more than you need. I use it in a number of dishes; usually wrapping a thin slice around melon or seafood. Also, I like to chop it and fry it up into prosciutto bits to use over pasta dishes and salads.
Unless you are feeding a large crowd, very seldom would you ever need to order a full pound of prosciutto. But how do you know what weight to order?
My advice? Don’t order by the weight, but order by the slice.
Yes. The slice.
How To Save Money When Ordering Deli Meat
Most recipes call for how many slices are needed. And if you are making something like prosciutto bits or prosciutto crisps, think ahead at how much you want to make, and gage your order accordingly.
Granted this is going to call for a little menu planning, but once you get the gist of quantity, this method will save you time and money.
My typical order for prosciutto is 10 slices. This is enough for bits and for crisps, both of which I always have on hand. If I want to wrap asparagus or cantaloup with prosciutto, 10 slices still is the magic number.
This method certainly is a cost saver, and one that I swear by. And, at that price range, who can afford to order more than you need?
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