Baby, it’s cold outside! We’re talking Holy BRRRRRRRR!! Old Man Winter has certainly proven his point the past few days. Everything is freezing. The air. My car. My automatic car windows froze up so I had to open my door at the Starbucks drive though. I think the only member of our family that doesn’t mind these freezing temps is Hudson, our Bernese Mountain Dog.
It’s 50 Shades of Cold outside!!
I was gazing out the window yesterday morning and watched several squirrels scurry about, collecting their preferred squirrel food to take back to their huts and save. I wondered how they could even deal with such freezing temps. Not that I’m at all a fan of squirrels. But I still wondered.
So I figured that the squirrels have the right idea. Right then I decided to cook to keep my mind off of the 50 shades of cold outside. I wanted to “squirrel” food away in our freezer. I turned into a cooking fool. I made chicken pot pies, Tuscan bolognese, Spicy Mexican shredded pork, and a huge pot of Chili. All packaged, labeled and ready for the freezer.
Now I feel prepared. I’m prepared for a snow day, or any given day that I’m running behind and I don’t have time to cook dinner.
Luckily, the forecast is showing temperatures to warm up slightly. Good thing, because I’m out of room in our freezer. All in a good day’s work.
Stay warm!
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