Those that know me well, know that I have an affinity for monograms and grosgrain ribbon. There is even a joke that if something sits around our house long enough, I’ll either monogram it, or adorn it with ribbon. So true!
Not long ago, Caroline asked me to help her make some balloon animals. She had gotten a “how-to” book as a gift, along with a bazillion balloons. Couldn’t be that hard, right?! The book had some great illustrated pictures.
Well, let me just tell you, that The Brooke made nothing that even remotely resembled an animal. And that squeaky noise that the balloons were making when I was trying to create something – forget about it.
But out of the corner of my eye, I kept looking at this table that was in Caroline’s room. And I got to thinking that it was a little on the boring side. Then I got the brilliant idea to wrap the table with these bazillion balloons.
That’s what I did. I was a wrapping and tying fool.
And this is how it turned out. Looks great in her room. Selfishly, I wanted to keep it; but it fits better in Caroline’s room.
She really enjoys her table, but she still wants some of those balloon animals. Maybe her Dad can tackle that one…
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