It’s about time that I grow a garden. I have wanted to grow one for a long time now, have been utterly intimidated, and not sure I had the time to truly dedicate to a garden. And I always left myself with the question, if I build a garden, will anything I plant grow?
So I set out and started reading up on gardening, and growing vegetables. I devoured Pinterest, and gardening websites, trying to plan my efforts to growing a prosperous vegetable garden. I cut out photos of plants that I want to grow, raised bed garden photos, and a fence that I think would be the best to build around my garden. Being that we have a bastion of critters that would pull a Peter Rabbit on me, a smart fence is a must.
Being that I am far from having the “green thumb” that Mr. McGreggor had, starting small is the way I need to go.
I created an inspiration and design notebook for me to work from. I always work better if I have plans organized and on paper. I ordered seeds for some vegetables, and actual plants for others. I figure if someone else starts a plant for me, it would be wise for me to go with that. The plants will be delivered sometime in May.
In my reading, I found plants have friends just like we do. Nasturtiums keep bugs away from squash. Petunias protect beans from beetles. Oregano keeps beetles away from cucumbers, and marigolds help tomatoes to grow. All good to know, and absolutely noted in my book! So, for my starter garden design, I designed these BFFs to be planted together.
Today, I planted 5 vegetables from seeds. I began by using these starter trays, and filling each cubbie with starter soil, following the directions on each seed packet of how deep I should sew the seeds.
I decided on a table that is in front of a window that facing south would be my best bet for the tray’s new home until it’s time to plant them outside.
Now I sit and wait. Patiently. And spritz them with water and keep them moist.
I will keep you updated on my progress. Wish me luck. Here’s hoping Be Fed Again will be very busy this summer enjoying these vegetables!
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