Last week, I was following my regular routine of cleaning the bathrooms. With my iTunes blaring in my ears, I was a cleaning fool. But then I got to the kids’ bathroom and I just stared at the glass doors. I frowned. Nothing about them that I like. Pain to clean – you have to keep moving them to get them only kind of clean. I wondered how many songs on my playlist was it going to take to clean these bad boys. I was Under Pressure.
And at that very moment, a new song came through my earbuds.
The timing couldn’t have been more perfect, and I took that as a sign. Time to say Bye Bye Bye to these shower doors. And it took me about 5 minutes to unscrew the screws, and take down these doors.
I removed all of the old, dingy, nasty caulk that was under the doors, and around the perimeter of the tub. I scrubbed and cleaned, and had visions of white dancing in my head.
Bring on the paint. This stuff works great! Other than its very powerful smell, it was easy to apply. (I highly recommend wearing a respirator mask.) For the first coat, I used the spray version. It was fine, but the dust that it created was too much. So for my second coat, I bought the can and applied with a small foam roller. Let’s Dance!
The outcome is great. It looks like we installed a new tub and tile. And this project was very budget-friendly. All in, I spent $70. Compared to the cost of a new tub and new tiles; not including the time it would have taken to demo and remove and reinstall everything, it’s priceless. I am still applying the new caulk around the tub.
Thanks, David. At that moment, you were one of my Heroes.
meg cusumano says
Brooke- did you use panel to replace the tile? The bathroom looks fantastic ….I have a shower downstairs in my house that I really want to take a picture of and send to you- and perhaps you can tell me if I can use that same stuff. All I can say is WOW- fantastic job…