As you all know, our house was built in 1820. However our barn was built in the latter part of the 1700’s.
And folks, it is still standing today, in all of its glory.
As much as I love our house and it’s history, I have the same affection for the barn. Right now, the barn is filled with our tractor, snow blower, gardening tools, leaf blower, a half dozen birds nests, and an unwelcome wood chuck.
Every time I look at it, I think to myself what I wouldn’t give to hear a few stories and history about this barn, and the original farm our house was built on. What happened back “in the day.”
But guess what else this barn is holding on to??
These two seats from a horse-drawn carriage.
How cool is this!!!!
And, not to mention —
Hello no shock absorbers. No cushioned / heated seats. Bluetooth? What the heck is that?
Not on this buggie.
Talk about Throw Back Thursday; I’ve got you covered!
And then some.
Cue “Little House On The Prairie” music.
There is certainly something to be said about the architecture and structure of this barn. The roof on this barn is original. It has been upgraded with electric, but other than that, everything else is circa 1700’s original. Built entirely by hand; a skill I absolutely admire, and will hold close to my heart always.
So many conveniences have come so far, and are certainly appreciated presently. No question about that. But truly, isn’t history grand!!
Patty says
I love rustic things therefore I love the barn. I think it would make an awesome apartment or guest house, of course then you wouldn’t have the storage. Learning the history is a great thing though. One time in a home we owned 20 years ago a family member that lived in it before just showed up and shared some things about it. The home we have now is down the road from a neighbor who grew up in it. We showed him the changes we made and heard a few stories. I think the older I get the more history intrigues me.
Beth says
That is a well made (and well cared for) barn to still be standing after all this time. I love old buildings and wish I knew more about the barn we have.