I have such a genius quick tip to share with you today that even June Cleaver would love and want to call all her friends and tell them all about it!
This Quick Tip really sucks! Like in a good way!
Enter today’s Quick Tip Friday.
Don’t you hate it when you’re vacuuming and you find a cobweb hanging in a ceiling corner? Or when you find some crumbs behind the couch and the vacuum hose isn’t quite long enough to reach back there? Well then check out this method that totally helps you and your vacuum get to those hard-to-reach places.
Take the empty paper towel cardboard roll, or from wrapping paper, and attach the roll to the end of your vacuum. You may need to tape the end to keep it connected, then turn your vacuum on and go to town.
So, when you see that spiderweb in the corner, no probs. Now you have that extension on your vacuum and you can whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr away.
How about that – a Quick Tip that really sucks.
Enjoy today’s Quick Tip Friday!
Bree Hogan says
What a great idea, I shall have to pass along the info to my Hubby (he does the vacuuming around here, hee hee) 🙂
Donnamae says
Fantastic idea! Why didn’t I think of that! Thanks! 😉