Remember back in this post when I told ya’ll that a mama bird had built a nest on our front porch. Our plans are to paint our house before summer officially hits, but we can hold off on that little area.
I’m happy to share space and I enjoy listening to her sing as she sits in her nest. No harm.
But it appears that Mama bird liked her real estate so much, that she decided to take to twitter and tweet about her new abode.
And along with her tweets, she chirped with some friends and convinced one to take up shop on our back porch.
Enter Mama bird #2.
Mama bird #2’s real estate is smack dab in our drink station.
We entertain a lot during the summer, and naturally our back porch gets a lot of use. So now what do I do? I don’t want to uproot the Mama #2, yet I don’t want to move the entire beverage area either.
#2 hasn’t laid any eggs yet. Should I try to move the nest to a new location? I’m not sure that would be too successful. If I do move the nest, would she come back and build again in the same area?
I guess I could close the curtains that are hanging in that area -give her some privacy and allow her to lay her eggs, raise her babies, teach them to fly, blah blah. But would that area be out of commission for the entire summer? Anyone know my time frame?
As my Mama would say, “these birds have put me in a dither..”
I’ll take any and all advice!
cindy says
Do you know what type of bird it is? If so, it is easy enough to find the incubation and fledge time. Some birds are as little as a few weeks for both.
Meg says
No, do not move it.
Angela Muller says
Do not move the nests. They may not have time to build another. Once the eggs are laid and hatched, the little ones leave their nest fairly quickly. It is only the beginning of May, so you will most likely have your porches back by sometime in June.