To kinda-sorta quote Morrissey, typically every day in March feels like Monday. I’m tripping over myself, clock-watching, and thinking that the month should be over already. But this year was different. March flew by around here, with only one week left, and still, several items on my March list to accomplish. That list will get completed though, hopefully sooner rather than later, and I am satisfied that I was able to check off some things and plan ahead on others.
So let’s get to Keeping Fed.
Easter is tomorrow! Still not sure what to cook and serve? Well….
I highly recommend this Spiral Ham with Fig Glaze.
And to accompany the ham, the Be Fed Mac & Cheese! The two go together like BFF’s. The leftovers are lip-smacking good too.
If you are planning on planting a garden this year, it’s time to start sowing the seeds. Tending to my garden is one of my favorite hobbies. The fruits and vegetables that I harvest prove plentiful year around. Need to know how to sow seeds? Click here for the how to.
We’re still working on our den remodel. With many projects, this one is drawn out. One step forward, a few steps back. We’re waiting on our insulation to arrive, so in the meantime, this is what the room looks like now.
Looking forward to completing this huge project and moving on to the next! Click here for part one of the story.
Thanks for Keeping Fed everyone! Happy Easter!
Kim says
Wow, I’m definitely going to share this fig glaze with a friend of mine–her enormous fig trees (or bushes?) produce more figs than any ten humans know what to do with, but this would be a good idea. And I sure agree with you about March speeding by. Yesterday I realized how close we are to the end of school! School years never went by so fast when I was the one in school! 🙂