Living in an 1820 farmhouse sure doesn’t scream out to the public,
“I’m Green!”
In fact, this old farmhouse is anything but green. With single paned glass windows to zero insulation, we practically watch our money and our efficiency dance about on our porches, and dissipate into the atmosphere. But little by little, we are making and working on every attempt to ensure our house is a “greener” home, and it runs more efficiently.
In honor of Earth Day, I would love to share with you my Top 10 Quick Tips to help your home run more efficiently, and be environmentally friendly.
1) Switch your light bulbs to LED light bulbs. I know, I know, this could be cringe-worthy to those that are still hopeless romantics for the original light bulb. There really is nothing like the original light bulb, but there is a close second. This light bulb gives off the same warm glow as the original, yet has a higher energy efficiency, which cuts down on your electrical bills.
2) Start a compost. Food and yard clippings can be put in your composter rather than put in landfills. Gourmet Dirt as I like to call it, is rich in nutrients and can be spread in your gardens and in your yard. Also, it is much cheaper to make your own compost than buy it in the store. Don’t want to dedicate a spot in your yard and have to physically stir it with a pitch fork? Me either. This is the composter I have, and I swear by it!!!!
3) Wash your laundry in cold water instead of hot. This too, cuts down on energy.
4) Stop using disposable bags. Buy reusable bags and always keep them in your car, and at the ready. The reason why these are my favorite, is because they are wicked sturdy, they hold a lot, yet they keep my shopping at a minimum, sticking to my list and only buying what will fit in 2 bags. As hard as I am on these bags, I’ll have them for a long time.
5) Buy a reusable water bottle. I have been guilty of this. I shop at a membership warehouse club and buy bottled water by the case. But since I have purchased this reusable water bottle for myself, I have not only stopped buying water by the case, but I’ve been able to track my daily water intake goal. (on a side note, my goal is 100 ounces a day, but I feel good when I’ve consumed 4 of these fill-ups)
6) Turn off lights as you leave a room. This, I am TERRIBLE at. However, my husband is great at it. I like to think that I require a lot of light; that light helps my stamina. Whatever the case, he pretty much follows behind me and turns lights out. Some nights, this becomes a rat race, but in the end, I have to crown him the victor.
7) Drive the speed limit and combine as many errands as you can in one trip. Ok this is difficult as well, But doable. I designate a specific day to run the majority of my weekly errands that exclude after school activities and sports. Wednesdays are my errand days. As far as driving the speed limit – well, for the most part, I’m pretty good. Sean, however, not so much. He’s a work in progress.
8) Switch at least one appliance to an energy efficient model. Look for the energy star. One luxury that I consider we have around here is an additional freezer. Still, our freezer is an energy star, and this is the one we have and we are very happy with.
9) Pay your bills online. Paying bills online saves on paper, which keeps you in the green. Just do it.
10) Don’t throw out your leftovers. Eat them. Waste not, want not. Of course, if they have expired, then give them a toss. But don’t wait that long. If you have left overs, enjoy them again within a day or two. Enough said.
I hope these tips that I practice will help you to bring efficiency and green into your life. Give them a try, and you will see how your costs have come down, and you will indeed save the environment.
Enjoy today’s Quick Tip(s) Friday!
Abbey says
Love this round up of tips!
N says
Great tips. Thanks!
Brent Warberg says
Good for you for doing this post. Love, Daddy
Kirstie says
These are great because it takes away the overwhelming aspect of "going green".
Sarah says
Great ideas! Sharing on Twitter! 🙂
Brooke Fedigan says
Sarah, thanks for sharing! I just followed you on twitter. Have a wonderful Monday.
Nicole [Nicole’s Lifestyle Lounge] says
This is an awesome reminder that we take so much for granted. I’ve been working on being more conscious.
Brooke Fedigan says
Nicole, that’s why I wrote the post, to kind of remind myself as well. Thanks for stopping by.
The Blue Jean says
I love this, you had so many great ideas that if everyone could do, we would have a happy mother nature. I do many of these quick tips already but some of them i’ve never done, and will do. Is it okay if I share this on my twitter? Thank you!
Brooke Fedigan says
Thanks for stopping by. I would love for you to share on twitter. Earth Day is also our son’s birthday so it has double weaning for us.
Crystal Green says
These are things that I don’t think about as "going green", but they do fall into that range! I’m being more "green" than I thought. 😉
I live in a very old cinder block house so I can relate to not having many updates done to it. My son wants to invest in solar panels! (He’s my little scientist.)
Melissa says
The grocery store reusable bags have helped be to cut down on the disposable ones, and makes me a better shopper. If I can’t fit it into my 3 bags, I don’t buy it! Helps keep me on my shopping budget!