I have the best secret to keep your fingers from burning when touching a hot lid from a pan. This tip will save you from getting blisters.
How many times have you burned your hands on the lid of a hot pan?! Without even thinking, you go in to pick up the lid to take a quick taste and you end up burning your hand, the lid goes flying and who knows where the spoon lands.
You race over to the sink to run cold water over the burn in hopes that a blister doesn’t form. We’ve all done it and cursed ourselves after. The pain is intense, for sure.
The hot pad is seldom at the ready; out of sight, out of mind. I mean, it would only make sense to store the hot pads right by the stove.
But this is not me.
I have my hot pads hanging off my prep table.
However, I do have the perfect spot for them just next to the stove, but the pepper grinder looks so much better there. You’re probably rolling your eyes at me, and that’s ok, though I know I’m not alone. Decor is high-ranking around here. So, I needed to come up with a different solution to lift the hot handle without getting burned.
Stop Burning Your Fingers On A Hot Pan Handle
Most pans on the market now claim that the lid handles are heat resistant, but they aren’t really. I’ve been burned plenty of times, and I have the scares to prove it, though I’ll spare you the details. Also, those pots and pans that come from the restaurant supply store are no different.
When I am cooking, I quite often have a bar mop towel hanging out of one of my pockets. I’m constantly wiping my hands on it, or wiping surfaces; whatever, I just like to have it at the ready. But on those rare occasions that I don’t, I need the hot handle fix.
Blistered hands no more, my friends. I’ve got the perfect solution for you.
My solution: Stick a cork in it.
Elementary, my dear Watson.
If any of you are even a smidgeon like me, you hold on to your corks, knowing that a use for them is right around the corner. And a small side note: quarantine has provided us with a good amount of corks. Still, all the more reason to hold on to the corks for any random or various project.
Here Is The How-To
All it takes is a couple corks sandwiched under the handle, and you’re good to go. When you need to lift the lid, hold on to the corks and not the handle. No more blisters.
Like, best tip EVER!!
Not a wine drinker? No problem. Here is where you can find the corks to use for this quick tip, with no alcohol involved.
I do have to pat myself on the back for this tip, and it’s one of my favorites. It’s been a finger-saver for sure, and I can honestly say that all of the lids to my pots and pans have corks under the handles. And since then, I have not received a single burn.
Unless I’m careless and burn myself from the oven. And that’s a whole other story.
Please, take heed and put a couple corks in it.
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How about an extra Quick Tip for the road!
Melissa says
I ALWAYS wondered why I saw them there!!
Life hack!!
Brooke Fedigan says
Melissa Short says
We’ve got plenty of corks! Great idea, thanks for the tip!!
Brooke Fedigan says
You are very welcome!