Call me cray cray, but for years I have wanted chickens. I pictured a beautiful coop – well, a grandiose and stately coop over by the barn filled with chickens that lay light blue eggs, just like Martha’s. How fun for the Easter bunny to bring chickens, I thought. Yet Easters come and go and no […]
Sunday Morning Joe – Auto Correct
I have a love / hate relationship with auto correct. For those times when my spelling is questionable (often), if I spell the word kind-of along the right lines, then auto correct is my friend and spits out the correct spelling. But it’s the times when I spell a word correctly, the word that I […]
Sunday Morning Joe – Cockeyed Optimist
I would like to think of myself as an optimist. A glass-is-half-full kind of girl, so it’s no surprise that I went into my latest wallpaper removal project with a ‘no problem’ attitude. Makes me laugh. When I wrote about the beginning of this project a couple weeks ago, I nonchalantly said something along the […]
Sunday Morning Joe – Lists
For as far back as I can remember, I’ve been a list maker. I got the list gene from my sweet Mama who often said to me that lists are just gentle reminders. Well, as it turns out, I have these gentle reminders all over the place, whether kept in my phone, or found on […]