As you know, I’m always willing to take on any DIY project that comes my way with little to no hesitation. An eternal optimist, I jump right in with the end result in mind, happily leaving out thinking about the steps in between. And what could be so difficult about painting the exterior of your […]
Staying Even Keel While Exterior Painting
I remember waaaaayyyyy back, my sweet mama sharing words of wisdom, as she often did and still does to this day, but this time specifically about enhancing appearances. Fixing what we think is or may be unattractive and raising the ante on the ole curb appeal, if you will. Sometimes no adjustment is necessary, and […]
Back In Black
So much for taking a month of DIY off… I had every intention of doing so. My plan was to concentrate on marketing for my blog and for my show, Brooke’s House & Home. I was going to lay low. Regroup and rejuvenate in January. But truth be told, I got antsy. And what better […]
Primping The Eyebrows – Windows, That Is..
After I finished that huge shutter project on the front of the house, I felt so good, and so relieved. I knew I still had the other 3 sides to complete, but the front was done, and I was so happy. Happy until I did a double take on the two eyebrow windows on the […]