Continuing work on my porches, I worked on the kitchen porch today, It’s relatively small, but very valuable just the same. Of course there is seating on this porch, but it’s also home to my herb garden. That’s right. Just a few steps from my kitchen prep table is my huge pot-o-herbs. As life these days […]
The Jolly Green Be Fed Again
It’s been only two weeks, and I have already needed to replant my zucchini. The plants outgrew their starter spots so quickly. My garden is coming right along, and I am so jazzed. I have been saving fresh mushroom containers, simply because I couldn’t throw them away – I knew there would be a purpose […]
Pop Goes The Sprout
I hope you all were able to read my feature in yesterday’s Poughkeepsie Journal. If you haven’t had a chance yet, click here. I feel very fortunate that my post about starting my garden was chosen. And, I feel even more fortunate that I woke up this morning, and saw this sweet little zucchini sprout. […]