Organization is a skill I flounder at achieving lately. Believe it or not, there was a time in my life when everything had a place. Nothing out of place was a strict rule I had for myself. Thennnnnnnn, I got married. Had two kids. Hit my 40’s. My very structured ways started relaxing. Little by […]
A Natural Mosquito Repellent – Quick Tip Friday
Let’s talk mosquitos. They’re in the news, that’s for sure. And, they’re in our yard. The manufacturers mosquito repellent is effective, but the deet that they all contain isn’t the safest. So, I did a little research and found a natural remedy to repel those good for nothing pests. In this week’s DIY Dutchess column, […]
How To Maintain Your Garden Mid Season – Tips From The DIY Dutchess
It’s mid season for summer gardening and hopefully you’re harvesting a plentiful crop! Though the fruits of your labor are coming in, you still need to maintain your garden to ensure your crop stays bountiful. In my DIY Dutchess column this week, I share 4 essential gardening tips to ensure your home grown produce stays […]
An Easy Way To Electrify A Candle Lantern
One of my rules of thumb when decorating is that there can never be too many lamps in a room. I’m not saying to have so many that you end up squinting, but after all, lamps are functional accessories. The way you light a room can completely change the space, and having multiple light sources […]