Whenever I am updating a room; giving it a new design, naturally furniture is the first thing I think about. Whether I want to use existing pieces, or go on the hunt for new(ish). I’m certainly no different than anyone else, as far as that goes. What’s a room without furniture?! And with that, there’s […]
A Rags To Riches Buffet
So, Sean’s got this Uncle…… Uncle John…. And Uncle John owns a huge storage facility. Like, the biggest I’ve ever seen, kind of storage facility. Uncle John stores Broadway show sets and lights. He rents space for world renowned designer fabric houses. And, he has smaller storage units for common folk like me. Once a […]
How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck? I haven’t a clue, but one thing I know for sure, no woodchuck is coming near this wood. Remember this creepy dead tree post, and this creepy dead tree post? Well, we’re still making use of that ole tree. As I mentioned, most of the top was rotten, […]