I’m almost convinced that Thanksgiving is another word for food. It’s all about the turkey (well, giving thanks too) and a bazillion side dishes and just as many desserts. It’s the one holiday that we get a mulligan on food. This year it’s only the four of us, and I have 7 side dishes on the menu. Whether you’re serving a party of 4 or a party of 24, organization is key, and that calls for timesaving tips and a few plan ahead reminders. Enter today’s Quick Tip Friday!
For those of you that have a frozen turkey, it’s time to take it out of the freezer NOW. Believe it or not, turkeys take a few days to thaw. The best way to thaw a turkey is to put it straight from the freezer into a 2-inch sided dish and place it in the fridge. Don’t leave it out on the counter. The refrigerator is key to thawing a turkey. Come Tuesday night, the turkey should be thawed and then it’s time to brine it for 24 hours. I’ll share that how-to with you next week.
Let’s talk about all those planned side dishes. Plan now which plate/bowl/platter you want to serve each one in. Once you have that figured out, simply write the side dish on a post-it note and put the note in each vessel. This way, you know exactly which dish you want the side to be served in. Total time saver. The last thing you want is to be scrambling around just before serving, looking for the dish or platter that wasn’t put back where it belonged. Plan it out now.
My last tip for today is to make ahead. Most side dishes can be prepared a day or two ahead, which really saves on the stress levels on Thanksgiving Day. Pull them out of the refrigerator an hour or two ahead of time, and warm them up in the oven. A simple covering of foil with keep things from drying out while in the oven. Prep as much ahead of time as you can. This just makes things run smoother on Thanksgiving Day.
Follow these tips because I know they will help you. I know this, because they’ve helped me. Been there, done that.
To download my recipe for Maple Mashed Sweet Potatoes in Orange Cups, click here.
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