Heading off to college is a big step for both the child going, and for the parents preparing and packing. A flood of emotions from all the zings of excitement, to the ebb and flow of anxiety and nervousness. We’ve run the gamut around here. It’s a new-to-us situation that, obviously at times, has pulled on our heartstrings.
Our son is certainly in good company with all of his peers heading off to college. Everyone is nervous and anxious, whether they’re a Freshman or even going into their Senior year of college. Though I’ve done my best at preparing his favorite meals in hopes his appetite would bounce back, it goes from a few pecks with his fork, followed by an “I’m full” response.
I understand.
It’s a time where I’d give anything, ANYTHING, to take away these jitters. The best I can do is be there for him as his mom, and comfort him the best way I know how. My heart is heavy, yet my mind is over the anticipation. Once he gets there and is moved in, he’s going to be high on life. This, I know.
I shared this college packing list last year around this time, and I thought I would share it again, this time with an amended list of all of the essentials that Mac used last year, and the things that also came in very handy both for he, and for those of us buying and packing. I’ve filmed a video of the complete college packing list that you can watch below.
As parents, I’m pretty sure we all get asked the same question from others: “How are you going to be when you drop him off?” I’ve been asked this dozens and dozens of times and though I never thought about how I would be before, I’m forced to think about it now. And my answer is always the same.
“I don’t know. I’ll have to be in the situation, but I assume I’ll hold it together until I get in the car. Then, I’ll be a mess.”
I was spot on with this answer.
Am I alone? Is anyone else out there sending their child(ren) off to college? I’d love to hear your feelings.
Table of Contents
Packing Dilemmas
We’re blessed to have a son and a daughter and it’s ever apparent that their wants and needs are at the opposite ends of the spectrum. Caroline is very particular and prefers to pick everything out herself, from clothing to decorating. When she heads off to college, she will own her list and will oversee every single detail while Sean and I follow behind her with the debit card. Total aside, she WILL have a spending budget and limit. Mac, however, is a different story. Here’s how the initial packing list conversation got started:
Me, with my pen and paper at the ready to write down the list: “Mac, what would you like to take to college? How would you like your area in the dorm room to look?”
Mac: I wouldn’t mind a couple Marvel posters.
Me: Ok, what else?
Mac: Yeah, I think I’m good with that.
Side note: Because I used command strips to hang said Marvel posters, they’re ready to be hung again this coming year.
As you know, decorating is my delight, and luckily, he’s approved everything I’ve gotten for him from the bedding to the towels. Got him a small rug, too. He likes it. And as I had everything spread out on the dining room table, his eyes stopped at the decorative pillows.
Mac: Umm, why are these here?
Me: Because they’ll look nice on your bed.
Mac: Not sure I need decorative pillows.
Me: Why yes. yes you do.
These said pillows may be coming back with us, but for now, they’re sealed in the vacuum-packed bag and ready to get packed in the car.
Side note: the decorative pillows did not come back with us, however, they never were put back on his bed once I left.
The Complete College Packing List Including Of The Essentials
Here are a couple very valuable tips when compiling and buying a college packing list. My first tip is to be organized. Write down the list either in your phone or in a notebook, whatever works best for you. Staying organized is a must. Use vacuum sealed bags when packing!! These are a game changer and will allow for more packing room in the car. Here is where you can find the bags!
I’ve included affiliate links in the photos above. Click on the item and it will direct you where you can purchase it. I do receive a small commission, but at zero cost to you. As always, thank you so much for your support.
Melissa says
Great tips Brooke!! I’m definitely checking out your headboard links!
Leslie Watkins says
What?!! Why didn’t I have vacuum bags when ours were bing packed to college?! Genius! Leaving our oldest was one of the most difficult days of my life. Praying that you will both handle this well and that he has the most amazing year—better than expected!
Danielle Anderson says
Thank you this is sooooo helpful!!!!!!!!!!!
Brooke Fedigan says