There comes a time when feeling green becomes cool. Usually associated with feeling ill, this time of year the color green is a warm welcome. Last week, I shared my how-to of sowing the seeds for the garden, and I’m happy to report that after only a week, I have sprouts. Still, I’m craving more […]
How To Maintain Your Garden Mid Season – Tips From The DIY Dutchess
It’s mid season for summer gardening and hopefully you’re harvesting a plentiful crop! Though the fruits of your labor are coming in, you still need to maintain your garden to ensure your crop stays bountiful. In my DIY Dutchess column this week, I share 4 essential gardening tips to ensure your home grown produce stays […]
Container Gardens, Perfect For Porches
Every year, the two concrete planters we have flanking our front door have been filled with one plant. Sometimes a fern. Sometimes an evergreen. And, though I cringe to permit, sometimes they’re left vacant. Gah, I hate to admit that, but honesty is key with you, my friends. This year, I vowed for the wow. […]
And So My Garden Grows
Mary Mary, quite contrary How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle shells And so my garden grows. I don’t know about silver bells and cockle shells, but my sugar snap peas are going to town. I have already had to transplant them one time, and I’m so ready to get my garden […]